Home Culture & Festivals International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

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Wherever she is, there is Eden

The Most prized & precious woman in your Life – Is she your Mom? Is she your Wife? Your Sweetheart? Maybe Girlfriend? A cousin? A sis or aunt? Or your Inspirational role model? Or a net surfer in disguise? Whoever she is, she is the ocean of Love, take a dip in that ocean and you will realize the immense strength a woman possess!

All around the world, International Women’s Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality.

#PressFor Progress – Theme for 2018

Individually, we’re one drop but together we’re an ocean. Commit to a “gender parity mindset” via progressive action. Let’s all collaborate to accelerate gender parity, so our collective action powers equality worldwide.

IWD Theme continues all Year. So, choose and #PressforProgress.

Started by the Suffragettes in the early 1900’s, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911. International Women’s Day belongs to all communities everywhere – governments, companies, charities, educational institutions, networks, associations, the media and more. Whether through a global conference, community gathering, classroom lesson or dinner table conversation – everyone can play a purposeful part in pressing for gender parity.

So make International Women’s Day YOUR day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women. Press for Progress! (International Women’s Day)

KIDSFREESOULS THEME : #PressforProgress 2018

Kidsfreesouls will #PressforProgress 2018 with section for Children Books about women and Like a Women by Reading her Book – women who’ve made into Literary world.

Kidsfreesouls continues its previous #MakeItHappen 2015 theme to take the lead to educate and guide children (esp. teenage girls) and provide tech information to Parents and Teachers. It’s a ‘Red Alert’ to Be Aware and Beware on Social networking websites esp. on Facebook where hanging is lot more fun, updating profile pics, commenting or messaging. Recent observation with children who are active on Facebook and the parental concern about child’s activity on the web, call for privacy matters that matters the most.

Kidsfreesouls will maintain #GenderParity mindset and like always, with no bias support women and women participation and nominate for opportunities.

  • question any lack of women’s participation
  • identify alternatives that are more inclusive
  • nominate women for opportunities
  • always include and support women
  • think “50/50” as the goal

Theme for 2017 : Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030

Theme for 2016: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality

Make It Happen was the 2015 theme for our international womens day encouraging effective action for advancing and recognising women.

Various organisations identify their own International Women’s Day theme, specific to their local context and interests. Many charities, NGOs and Governments also adopt a relevant theme or campaign to mark the day. For example, organisations like the UN, Oxfam, Women for Women, Care International, Plan, World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and more – run exciting and powerful campaigns that raise awareness and encourage donations for good causes. The UN has been declaring an annual equality theme for many years.





Women empowerment measures are taking strides since last many years but yet, at the grass roots – Understanding is required to help children grow up gracefully and protect their own self. With Technology leap, not only Children, Parents and Teachers too have raised issue of Online Abuse and Safety.

Commemorating International Women’s Day, Kidsfreesouls take the lead to educate and guide children (esp. teenage girls) and provide tech information to Parents and Teachers. It’s a ‘Red Alert’ to Be Aware and Beware on Social networking websites esp. on Facebook where hanging is lot more fun, updating profile pics, commenting or messaging. Recent observation with children who are active on Facebook and the parental concern about child’s activity on the web, call for privacy matters that matters the most.

As per the recent Pew Internet report, 95% of all American teens ages 12-17 are now online and 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites. Social activity of teen life is echoed and amplified – in both good and bad ways even in India. Monitoring their activities has become dim for parents and even teachers at times. As a result, the need of the hour is using technologies and make sure your teens know where to go for support if someone ever harasses them. Help them understand how to make responsible and safe choices about what they post—because anything they put online can be misinterpreted or taken out of context. Even Moms and Teachers need guidelines on how to be safe online.

Kidsfreesouls promotes Literacy and Education to children, parents and teachers. Through Kidsfreesoul NIE (Newspaper in Education) Program, Kids, Parents and Teachers gain a better understanding of Technology and world around them. Predators are crawling on the web – in chat-messages, emails, Discussion boards, etc. Safety is a huge concern for women and children who are provided guidelines to surf smart and get the tech understanding of Social networks.

Parents and Teachers get well informed with Kidsfreesouls NIE Program and can guide the Children in a more responsible manner. Students learn for better use of Technology and even how to use Social Networks being more focused to reach their goals. Kidsfreesouls help children online and offline, to follow the rules to Beware on the Internet by following simple guidelines in its Kids Technology pages and helping children create Blogs and how to blog and promote on Facebook. Thereby, encouraging reading, motivating creativity and enhancing their tech skills.

A number of Talks and Discussions are held at Kidsfreesouls (Swagat Classroom) with the NIE Program. This highlights on Technology as well as teaching children ‘Personality Development and Human Relationship’ and Talks focused on Life skills and Attitude behavior patterns.

Parenting sessions are conducted in Educational Institutes eg. Positive Parenting (Hands on, Hands Off, Half Hearted Parenting), How to use Internet and Safety of Kids online and safe use of Social networking sites.

Ilaxi Patel has consequently 2 times received Awards on International Women’s Day by leading Organizations for being an ‘Outstanding Journalist’ and ‘Outstanding Personality.’ Her Awards Page can be located here on

Her first article in Journalism was on WID and can be read here : https://www.kidsfreesouls.com/index.php/culture-festivals/791-women-s-international-day

The NIE (Newspaper in Education) Program link is :

Kidsfreesouls Swagat Children Library

International Women’s Day – 8th March

(My first print media article that appeared in The Times of India and Sambhaav Newspapers)

From age old time, Women has many facets in different form – a mother, wife, sister, guardian, Administrator, mentor, lover … on & on. Her endless tasks are blend with her love, beauty, grace, charm. understanding and over & above, her caring, sharing, giving, tolerating, compromising, adjusting are the key factors of a mentor of the human race.

It’s a known fact, Eve was blessed from the rib of Adam but her very mistake of eating a forbidden fruit has landed her to curses galore which has nevertheless formed and developed the race of human being and without her, no human would flourish on earth. Woman’s influence patterns vary for development and progress in children, husbands, in-laws(family), friends, workplace and all closely acquainted to her. Her role is prominent. She can construct bridges to Heaven of super happiness and eternity or land to turmoil of pain, sadness and frustrations. She has to be a workaholic – simple logic because a woman is a source of Inspiration and Encouragement, a strong pillar standing and supporting beside through happy or hazy days.

Women are infiltrating what was once the exclusive domain of men. On work fronts, more women are active as ever. Women’s liberation & rights are sorted over but the question remains burning with abuses, dowry, extra-marital affairs, etc. She is yet scoffed, scorned, misunderstood, exposed , exploited, molested, tormented…

Finally, it’s a man’s world and all is said and done – A woman is puppet on a chain and pondering over rightly justifies that “A man’s world is woman and without her, there would be a wide gap making him forlorn and lost.

Mark Twain once said in a tribute to his wife:

” Wherever she was, there was Eden “

UN International Women’s Day Themes

The UN declared an International Women’s Day theme.International Women’s Day 2015 Theme: MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Many organisations develop International Women’s Day themes relevant to their local contexts. For example, the European Parliament’s 2012 theme was “Equal pay for work of equal value”.

Below are some of the global United Nation themes used for International Women’s Day to date:

– 2017 : Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030

– 2016: Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality

– 2015 Make IT Happen

– 2014: “Equality for women is progress for all”
– 2013: “A promise is a promise. Time for action to end violence against women “

– 2012: Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty

– 2011: Equal access to education, training and science and technology
– 2010: Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all
– 2009: Women and men united to end violence against women and girls
– 2008: Investing in Women and Girls
– 2007: Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls
– 2006: Women in decision-making
– 2005: Gender Equality Beyond 2005: Building a More Secure Future
– 2004: Women and HIV/AIDS
– 2003: Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals
– 2002: Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities
– 2001: Women and Peace: Women Managing Conflicts
– 2000: Women Uniting for Peace
– 1999: World Free of Violence against Women
– 1998: Women and Human Rights
– 1997: Women at the Peace Table
– 1996: Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future
– 1975: First IWD celebrated by the United Nations


 “The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum” is the 2013 theme of Internationalwomensday website.



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