Home Back to school Back to School:15 rules to make best of School days

Back to School:15 rules to make best of School days


It’s Back to School time again for many Free Souls. It is said “Don’t change with the change but Change before the change” and so, begin well to end well to trail behind the grudges against the educational system. The right way is a regular routine schedule avoiding Homework hassles by saying “I Can” and “I will” instead of relying on shoulders of others for help. Try it your way and you succeed. All a Free soul student needs is to decide and make up his mind to face the challenges ahead. Have fun, enjoy life and follow the simple 15 rules of success to make best of your school days.

– Editor, Kidsfreesouls

15 rules of success to make best of your school days

1.Set aside regular Homework time. A predictable routine habits to follow lessons taught in school

2.Build confidence. Don’t let your spirits run dry. Be positive with a belief that you can achieve your goal. Think, analyze and say to you “I can do it on my own”

3.Stuff your tools box with pencils, erasers, sharpeners, etc and stock it up so as not to waste your time and energy. Set your mood right with the right stuff.

4.Feel the Excitement. Just don’t sit there and get let down. Engage in creativity, set your own group of friends and try out something new to impress all.

5.Keep friends. Grow with friends – share, care and enjoy. Keep the old, welcome the new. Add more and more friends to your list.

6.Make use of your School Library if you have one. Over and above, imbibe reading habits for an hour during the day, any time.

7.Dream. Let your imagination soar you to heights. Think and write down what you can vision.

8.Organize your day. Your time will be stretched between classes, friends and extra curricular activities. So play cool. Get your self Organized.

9.Join in the fun at clubs, sports, projects, events etc. Be enthusiastic. Participate and learn.

10.Write your right way out. Express joys, experience, dreams, frustrations, emotions, poems, stories or just anything. Just write away using the words you know and you will learn some new too!

11.Set your goals. Big or small, short or tall. Goals fulfil your dreams. Try to reach the moon and in the process you can catch some stars too.

12.Learn something new. Engage in extra activities like Music, dance, drawing computers etc. Relax your mind and nurture your talents.

13.Understand your duties. Don’t disagree but obey to what elders say. See to their point of view and find solutions for your problems.

14.Volunteer and see how you can help others. God helps those who help themselves and others too.

15.Be a Friend to your Teacher and Parent if you want to achieve the best. Be an apple of their eye.


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