Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers My Review Journey

My Review Journey



(2007)An old pic posing in front of my Library cupboard (April 1998)

As I see the green branches of a tree with a Peacock sitting there from the window sill of my room, my memories fresh and vibrant, roam free to remember the day when I started my Library and children poured in to dive into the world of Imagination. From four to hundreds, it seems my World is full in a circle. Initially, I wrote for ‘Voices’ column as I interviewed people on various topics. Later, I drifted to write Press Supplement pages ‘Freesouls’ and became an Editor online for Sambhaav Newspaper, I got on to the web writing at Amazon. My reading expanded as I started writing Reviews of all the Books I had in my Library, at Amazon since November 2001, and added more every day. While writing reviews I even became an Author too! My Book articles and reviews are published in ‘Freesouls’ (Supplement page in Sambhaav Newspapers) and on many online websites. My Crosswords, Word Search, Puzzles and more, appeared in The Asian Age. 


My vision is to write 1000 book reviews by the end of 2010 (Currently, the figure is 229 books + music reviews). I often get emails and people asking me:

‘How do you get time to read books?’
Well, my simple answer is ‘form a reading habit when you are young and you pick up to read any book, any time, any place, anywhere – All you do is read, read and read! Busy schedules never come in way if you ever wish to read a book!

Which is favorite Reading place?
Any where! Be it my Bedroom, Dining, Drawing room, terrace or the main front porch of Swagat.

Why do you write Book reviews?
I had formed a habit of writing reviews in school. Later, I read Sidney Sheldon and Barbara Cartland and I loved these books so much, I got to re-read them. However, with time flying to busy schedules, I wrote reviews to quick remember the book. Then, I helped children at Swagat to write reviews and started writing myself, picking up books from Library as I placed+stored my reviews at Amazon with a thrill to find all these books here. And, even if you cannot read a Book like the War and Politics in full, you get insight of the book while reading a few Chapters and write a review. While reviewing, I found my reviews are helpful to many parents, teachers, children and even management students, Business persons, military and people in govt/politicial fields. Even Management Students stepped in to get a Book reviewed for their Project!

Being a steno-typist, I almost stopped using a pen to write since more than fifteen years. So, typing out reviews with a book next to my computer or a lap top is much easier once I’ve read it. Books are ocean of knowledge and every word I read, made me a better writer & a Better Person.

Do you Charge for writing Book reviews?
Not Really! However, I do receive books as donations for the children’s Library. Even Author’s/Publishers willing to place their Book Reviews on my website do so by sending me a copy for reviewing. If the review is placed, they may feel free to send a Donation Check for the Library management. If an Author wish for his/her Book Page to appear on Kidsfreesouls, it’s with nominal $ for providing service. You may contact for details.

What kind of Books you’ve read and written Reviews:
Here are few sections you may find Interesting reads. These books I’ve read and possess in my Library. Some of the Books has been sent by the Authors/musicians for reviewing; some are a work of research and chapters sent by mails to write the reviews.

Parenting and Child Care
Fiction & Romance
Children’s Books
Cooking, Art & Beauty
Health & Fitness
War & Political

Find my recent Reviews at Amazon.com
ilaxi patel’s reviews

(You may Look Here for Books+Reviews of the above category as I design the pages for Parents & Teachers, kids Books sections.)

Amazon is my Favorite place to freak on net and I would love to buy the best picks there. Amazon is also my vast Library online. I give five stars for ‘Best of the Best’ pick & which means I love by all means, Four stars is for ‘Good’ leaving it to choice of surfers, Three stars for ‘Oh ok’ when partly I like the product and below three stars I prefer not to rate.

My first Book is Published ‘Guardian of Angels: A practical guide to Joyful Parenting.’ Credits go to Booksurge.com & Amazon.com, all my readers, Parents, teachers and children everywhere. Book Surge is an Amazon.com Company with a POD Technology. It prints 1 to multiple Books as per customer Demands.
(On Book Surge – My Journey to Amazon: Coming soon on POD Publishing – check this again)

Keep the Faith!

– ilaxi patel
Editor Online, kidsfreesouls.com

Find my recent Reviews at Amazon.com
ilaxi patel’s reviews

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