Home SUNDAYS WITH HRIDAAN SUNDAYS WITH HRIDAAN : Snow white and the seven dwarfs

SUNDAYS WITH HRIDAAN : Snow white and the seven dwarfs


Sundays with Hridaan- Hridaan Patel reads his favorite story ‘Snow White’ – an age old, all time classic !

“Snow White” is a 19th-century German fairy tale that is today known widely across the world. The Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published it in 1812 in the first edition of their collection Grimms’ Fairy Tales and numbered as Tale 53.

In early edi­tions, the queen is Snow White’s birth moth­er and aban­dons her in the woods. In a later telling, the hunts­man is com­mis­sioned to bring back the girl’s lungs and liv­er as proof of her death. A ma­ter­i­al­ist­ic Snow White is de­ceived by the queen with stay-laces, a pois­on­ous comb, then fi­nally a poisoned apple. When a prince takes her glass coffin to his king­dom, a bump in the road dis­lodges the apple from her mouth, the curse is broken, and they marry. The queen is in­vited to their wed­ding and is pun­ished by wear­ing iron shoes and forced to dance un­til she drops dead.

However, children love this Grimms Brother fairy tale and Hridaan love the Miles Kelly Book. The 3 D Books are just fun and quick easy reads.

SUNDAYS WITH HRIDAAN is in Association to Ahmedabad Book Club , on Instagram @ahmbookclub (Ahmedabad Book Club )Hridaan Patel is on Facebook at http://facebook.com/hridaanbinaalpatel – Do share this link to your friends and on your profile.

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