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Rainbow of Hope

Rainbow of Hope

Lately, my Grandson Hridaan has penned many poems while #Homequarantine. Recently, it’s been a Shape poem ‘Rainbow’

Rathar a difficult process for a 7 year child to write and make a Shape poem using Paint Tool in Microsodt, Hridaan in his attempt first made a Rainbow and with color pencils wrote down his framed poem.

Hridaan chose to write on Rainbow. For a better view, he penned this poem in his Poetry Book and colored a Rainbow Sheet. Prior to this, his submission to #homeschool assignment had been on a Shape Poem Blank Worksheet where he drew, colored and wrote in Ranbow Shape.

He also got aware of the Initiative ‘Rainbow of Hope’ – In Canada and many places, people are posting “Rainbows of Hope” in their windows for people walking by to see. Hridaan also stood with his Rainbow Picture which has a message, “All will be fine – just Stay Safe, Stay Home. His rainbow offer encouragement, cheer neighbours, thank frontline workers and most of all, let everyone know that we are going to get through this pandemic.

You too can join Hridaan with a Rainbow and send Cheers with Rainbow for Hope. This too, shall pass, he says.

You can send your pic with Rainbow @kidsfreesoul@gmail.com or connect me on Instagram @ilaxip – on Facebook @http://www.facebook.com/swagatchildrenlibrary or http://www.facebook.com/kidsfreesouls and put your pic with Rainbow and Tag us.

Be Safe, Stay Home and even if you need to go out, follow the simple measures – Wear a Mask, Keep safe distance and wash your hands often.

#poetrybyhridaan #kidspoets #kidsofinstagram #shapepoem #rainbowpoem #homeschooling #homequarantine #homequarantinebelike🙈 #poetry


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