Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers When the Chief fell in Love – Tuhin A Sinha

When the Chief fell in Love – Tuhin A Sinha


Gripping Story – a Political thriller

Imagine humming the Freddie Mercury song,
“Love me like there’s no tomorrow, hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it
This is our last goodbye and very soon it will be over, But today just love me like there’s no tomorrow…”

Truly, the Chief fells in Love and pierces the heart to fall apart yet when the last rays of the sun fades away, leaves behind a brilliant red sky – just like the lovers, Vihaan and Zaira Bhat kisses each other at the most gorgeous Turtle Beach in Cancun.The tale of lovers totally summarize the gripping sub title of the Book ‘Kashmiriyat, Jamhooriya, Insaniyat, Hindustaniyat’ In the Author’s own words, Tuhin says, “the word Hindustaniyat is a reiteration that Kashmiriyat (Kashmir’s unique identity), Jamhooriyat (democracy) and Insantiyant (humanity), exists within the ambit and tenets of the Indian statehood and Constitution.”

Vihaan and Zaira – main characters fell in love only to part and re unite with emotional feelings of loneliness and lostlove in hearts. Ritu (Vihaan’s wife) and Aziz (Zaira’s Husband) meant just a human bonding but at the back of the mind, the love bubbled as both felt a void without each other. The story starts with a Terrorist attack at an army camp in Kashmir during 2016 when Vihaan is the Defence Minister.To his surprize and disbelief, fate brings back Zaira Bhat back into his life once again. Zaira is the daughter Bilal Mohammad Bhat, a Businessman in Kashmir has been a supporter to Pakistan. This complicates and plays a complex role that hinders the love affair of the duo. Profession and love for nation stands first for the Defence Minister Vihaan Shashtri with commitment, integrity and honesty. His resignation comes with a bang and here’s where the Author quips in the real scenario of the Kashmir conflict and offers some proven solutions to
resolve the situation or at least, can be visioned at bird’s eye view.

What intrigued me was the Author’s thought process of weaving the story to make Zaira, an Author of Romance books written with passion and the launch scene of her third Book, ‘A chequered Life.’ As she read out the passage and later standing the book signing queue and finally, when she signs the copy and excuses herself – not only Vihaan, it makes a reader feel remorse, hurt and lost feeling ! As our heart skips a bit with the simple romantic flow, soon to follow sorrowful with a long email by Vihaan pouring his heart to Zaira. And as usual, the media makes a sensational story “What’s cooking with the
Defence Minister and the separatist’s Leader’s daughter?” This is where, there’s a twist and a turn, thumping our hearts as Vihaan, the Defence Minister faces the irony and the newspapers hunted with an eagle eye for a prey. Interesting ! And, the storyline moves on with a page turner for which, you got to read the book.

Tuhin Sinha’s Book is a pacy narrative that even races the mind with a page turner and gives a feeling of fascination with its plot. As a Politician, he brings fresh take on Kashmir issue. He has touched Politics and tried to prove his point that ‘Policians can be good lovers’ in a most thrilling read at the backdrop of Kashmir issue and how the conflict can be resolved. Political romance by Tuhin Sinha in this Books is blend seamlessly which make the book more exciting. The Romance has some Poetic verses of Tuhin’s friend Bhavna Berry and that even makes it a free flow of verses pitching the Romance on
a high. The Romance pitches with both the characters are well balanced by the Author though the Defence Minister slightly steals the readers’ heart . Tuhin has some unpractical solutions to Kashmir but than it would’nt be a Romance storyline if it didn’t.

Tuhin’s Book I’ve read earlier is ‘Let the Reason be Love’ and this one is also a touching, emotional romance – something like a bollywood storyline.

About the Author: Tuhin A. Sinha is a best-selling author, columnist and a scriptwriter. His books, That Thing Called Love, The Captain (formerly 22 Yards), Of Love and Politics and The Edge of Desire breaking new ground is widely acclaimed and read. Tuhin is also a scriptwriter of several popular TV shows. Apart from his fiction novels and scripts, Tuhin is a keen political observer. His columns on Indian politics appear regularly In India’s leading dailies. Tuhin also has a regular blog on ibnlive.com. When he finds time from all of these, you might catch him on a news channel, debating politics or cricket. He quotes, ‘Believe in yourself and if you don’t, nobody else would believe in you’



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