Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Who Moved My Cheese By Dr. Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese By Dr. Spencer Johnson

who cheese ilaxi

who cheese ilaxi

Who Moved My Cheese? By Dr. Spencer Johnson
Review by ilaxi patel

Change with the Change! Yeah, Who moved my Cheese is all about financial resources, Security and Happiness to retain when things go beyond control with waves of Changes spelling alarm at Business, workplace or Life.

The control power is ‘You’ the person and the author conveys the message with a form of fable – four characters, Sniff and Scurry, the mice and two little people mouse size humans hem and Haw. Cheese relates to our living ways, our jobs and career paths. With the sea of changes swapping in, one got to change with the change is the flavor of the Book. Like the cheese runs out, new sources need to be looked for and this is a moral booster bringing in awareness and alertness to find solutions to spoon feed problems.




The learnings

* Change Happens

* Anticipate Change
* Monitor Change
* Adapt the Change quickly
* Change
* Enjoy the Change
* Be ready to Change quickly and enjoy it again

Easy to read with quick glance, the book might provoke thoughts as to dig into lives of people speaking their experiences after the fable is said as they share their ideas and thoughts. However, every individual Business person or CEO at their work levels, face changes n have a scoop of their life, their best sorted principles n ways, the messages in the book serve only as a boost to face Changes. Life is full of obstacles and to deal with them, Dr. Spencer Johnson brings in a theme ‘Who moved my cheese’ – esp. the best part is the illustrations and the quickie ‘quotes’ which can be special motivators. No wonder, an upcoming Lecture presented by a reputed newspaper in my town on ‘Who moved my cheese’ may prove boon to many esp. in times of money crisis. Whatever, All said, its Thinking process to re-charge with renewed faith and this does the trick – Get the Cheese n say ‘cheese’ – Nice Read!


For Kids :



For Teens :


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