Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers Developing the Leader Within You by John C.Maxwell

Developing the Leader Within You by John C.Maxwell



Developing the Leader Within You by John C.Maxwell
Review by : ilaxi patel

A leader is always Born and as far as the belief goes ‘Leos are Born Leaders’ – However, the concept of this Book by John Maxwell is Developing a Leader within. This requires a motivation, a vision and an influence as the writer shares the principles of management through real life anecdotes, charts and graphs.

A truly inspiring book that reveals wiz ways to excel and be a Leader. Interesting strips portray Leadership qualities with real life examples and sure, this becomes a quick ‘glance read’ chirping the zeal in to strife for successive climb. I’ve always recommended Management Quotes book of Pramod Batra and so is this Book on top of my Charts. Influence always make a big difference and this book implies the influential tricks to scale high to be a leader. Maxwell’s techniques prove to be genuine stuff and anyways, the picked topics speak wide :

1. Influence – Defining Leadership qualities

2. Attitude – It really makes a big difference

3. Positive Change – foster integrity and self-discipline

4. Priorities – Defining goals

5. Integrity & People – Developing ties

Becoming a person of Influence is another Book of Maxwell that is thought-provoking and a Leadership technique of ‘Influence’ pays big dividends in longer run. A worthwhile life lesson to boost up self confidence and keep on high spirits with ‘Developing the Leadership qualities’ by John Maxwell. A sure fire way to adopt the techniques and surface the best in you.

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