Home Book Reviews for Parents & Teachers BIAS by Bernard Goldberg

BIAS by Bernard Goldberg



BIAS by Bernard Goldberg
Review by: ilaxi patel

An Emmy Award Winner, CBS Reporter Bernard Goldberg has come forward to expose how liberal Bias pervades the mainstream media. Think! Media are biased? Conservatives have been crying foul for years but here, Bernard reveals bare truths.

Bernard Goldberg, narrates his Liberally biased outbursts of the very secrets of the television network media. Bias is bottomless Intellectual corruption revealed by fearless and courageous reporter. Goldberg has revealed the blunt truth, inside scoop of stories and dared to come forward to portray how liberal Bias infuse bias reporting in network television and trigger hindrance to reporting facts. Issues ranging from homelessness to aids, reporters are going over the misinformation of pressure groups they favor, to the harm of honest reporting. Fairness, balanced and integrity disappeared with changing times in network television. There has been one-sided nature of reporting of the news coverage tilting to the left as Goldberg mentions; which is close minded and journalists honesty have become pawn to liberal opinion. Goldberg tried to voice his say from post to pillar but his critics considered him a disgruntled Reporter and his bitterness with the management made him write the WSJ op-ed story that ruined his career! The television news business is far different from the media print world and far often the primary objective is overlooked with bias reporting in television network. Political correctness in network television creates a sensation ahead of the facts and enthusiasm of the reporters mis-fires the message, often misleading the viewers to create waves over the issue. An example is the Riots of Gujarat, the whole print and television media journalists focused on the one major issue and harp over the incidents to raise the heat of news reporting. Balance reporting fell out of gear and the news that shoot and create waves chart to the top and the biggest scoop story of the time would probably not be heard in the evening news. The bias really affect on how people view to see the world! Goldberg’s CBS reporting experience made him opine his voice boldly about the truth that pervade the business and his trials led him to pen down Bias with the opening harsh critics of Dan Rathar who regards criticism of liberal bias as disloyalty and after working in network news for 30 years as CBS reporter Goldberg comes out with Bias with names, quotes, reports n facts. Certainly a pick and a concern for every Journalist in network television or print media, Bias by Bernard Goldberg would turn a new leaf in reporting facts.

Another Great Pick of the same author who lives in Miami, Florida is ‘Arrogance’ – Rescuing America from Media Elite.

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