Home Culture & Festivals Friendship Day: Joy of Friendship

Friendship Day: Joy of Friendship

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It takes courage to find the truth. Only few people have dared to discover it, it is risky and may shatter all your dreams, break the illusions, says Osho. As Kids Free Souls  ponder over, it is a journey of the heart towards the truth and build a courage to walk into realms of peace. Only silence communicates the truth as it is and the experiences that we encounter on the way are encompassed in moments of peace as truth prevails. The two fold mingling of truth and silence leads to peace but without unity, no peace is attained afterall:-)

Friendship is the intensity of the love that leaves behind trails of sweet memories to cherish the core of life giving a whole new meaning to it.

The enigma of friendship strengthens with the bonds of relationships so unique which is unselfish, intimate, pure and beautiful. Learning to appreciate, speak out on issues, Listening, confide and sharing secrets, meeting of wavelengths and such deeper corners are focused for a caring friendly relationship with the people you love most.

Whenever it’s a Friendship Day, Kidsfreesouls wishes all readers Happy Friendship day with a simple message to spread love, faith, peace and unity among human beings. A day when someone asked me, ‘How?’, I was confused what to reply on a simple icq screen. Today, with the Social networks and people hanging on making a 3/4/5 digit friends lists, the message can be spread far and wide. The question ‘How’ can turn to ‘Somehow’ and all humans together can make efforts to spread the message to spread peace! The world is on brink of extinction, Is it? Whatever, we can make a Difference!


That’s what Friends are For…In good times, in bad times….

ll our friends light the candle of our life with warmth and happiness. Sometimes, face to face, its hard to say the things we could but between Good Friends, unspoken thoughts are always understood. And then “Silence speaks a thousand words” This Friendship day, I wish all Kidsfreesouls “Happy Friendship Day” and may this small prayer build our spirits to spread love, faith, peace and unity among human beings.
God Make me worthy…

It is joy in life to find at every turning of the road,
The strong arm of a comrade kind,
To help me with my onward load,
And since I have no gold to give,
‘Tis love alone must make amends,
My only Prayer is while I live
“God Make me worthy of my Friends”
I believe that its
God’s might to direct us,
God’s power to protect us,
God’s wisdom for learning,
God’s eye for discerning,
God’s ear for hearing
God’s love for Caring.

So, keep the love, keep friendship, Keep Faith in God’s Caring.

Keep the Faith!


The abundant joys of friendship is enriched with its purity, simplicity, sincerity and trust. It is the intensity of the love that leaves behind trails of sweet memories to cherish the core of life giving a whole new meaning to it. The enigma of friendship strengthens with the bonds of relationships so unique which is unselfish, intimate, pure and beautiful. A bond, unburdened by the constraints of age, sex, religion, social status and other such artificial values that encompass all relations of mankind. Friendship means a firm and gentle relation. It has a responsibility of sharing and caring. It is priceless, incomparable and has an afterglow that shines life like happy sunshine. Friendship means you can confide, share secrets, have oneness and above all, equal wave lengths to match your interests and similar outlook. It has the power of appreciation whatever is noble and loving. A real friend walks in with you when all the rest fall apart in time of need. A true friend believes in your dreams and wishes the best of everything. Friendship is like a vase, once broken cannot be mended. Each person needs for a longing to talk and with the changing time, making friends has a whole new meaning. Cyber friends share their wisdom, share thoughts, show concerns or just be friends who meet and someday part away with nicknames and are lost in netizen world! This is illusion, a lonesome feeling to talk to someone you don’t know but then, friends who are true with a true new meaning to spread happiness are the ones who instill faith and pleasure to add to joys of living.


Sometimes, just a quote, a word, a smile, a glance, an inspiration, encouragement, a note, expressing your Concerns, makes a Great Difference. Send in your Friendship Quotes, send to your friends, acquaintances, anyone….To Kidsfreesouls:-) freesoul@kidsfreesouls.com !

A friend is a hand when you need it,
A smile when you’re sad,
A lift when you’re weary,
A song when you’re glad
A help when you falter,
A word when you’re blue,
A hope for the dreams that are
Special to you.
Attitude is all that determines Altitude!

2 cups of genuine Interest
4 spoons of Understanding
1 cup of recognition
1 cup of appreciation
2 spoons of tenderness
1 cup of simple courtesies
3 glasses of kindness
4 spoons of faith
1 cup of friendship
1 jug of laughter
1 jug of smiles
2 mugs of consideration for others

Take Genuine Interest and make an effort to Understand. Mix Thoroughly with Recognition and Appreciation. Blend with Simple courtesies. Add Faith, Friendship and an abundance of Laughter.
Top freely with smiles and consideration for others. Bake with bright openness. Garnish with Love. Serve daily with generous helpings.


It isn’t Easy…but one can try the other way OUT!
To smile;
To apologize;
To be unselfish;
To admit mistakes;
To enjoy your work;
To laugh at yourself;
To think and then act;
To forgive and forget;
To control bad temper;
To make someone happy;
To learn from mistakes;
To respond and not react;
To be honest and truthful;
To refrain from criticism;
To shoulder deserved blame;
To keep cool when provoked;
To listen without interrupting;
To respect others’ point of view;
To do a little more than expected;
To be well mannered to near and dear ones

Book Review

The Friendship Factor 

Buy here friendwin

This book makes one a warmer and a more loving, caring and understanding person.Difference of opinions always occur but a friendly encounter makes a better communicative efforts to bond together in unity. Whether it is a son, hubby, family, friend or even aquaintance, this book provides essential tips with anecdotes to resolve tension in relationships. It has a clear message flow that Friendship is the intensity of the love that leaves behind trails of sweet memories to cherish the core of life giving a whole new meaning to it. The enigma of friendship strengthens with the bonds of relationships so unique which is unselfish, intimate, pure and beautiful. Learning to appreciate, speak out on issues, Listening, confide and sharing secrets, meeting of wavelengths and such deeper corners are focused for a caring friendly relationship with the people you love most. The Art of Forgiveness is one chapter which is very thought oriented that helps change Attitude to bring about a difference to be friendly. Friendship hurts as of many reasons but the author ‘Alan’ reveals the tact and provide clues for enjoying joys of Friendship




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