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Back to School:Making Connections


John Watson, the American psychologists and father of Behaviorism sets down in his theory saying ‘Learning is conditioning.’ The kid is to be motivated to be a Genius and this is where the ‘Temperament style’ of every kid needs a keen observation from the very start. Create a Genius in your child and you find all the answers to ‘How’ in this article. (In Guardian of Angels)

Kids have their own dreams and aspirations. Know the child, support them and let them think creatively. Build a bridge of communication with the teacher as most of the hours, the teacher helps the child to learn and grow.

The child needs not only the love and affection from parents and teachers but also need to set their goals and fulfill them.

One thing really important for a child is Making connections. Children do make friends on their own but yet, a parental guiding help can add to his positive friendship :

1. Help the child to be friendly. Simply listening or talking, sharing and appreciating the other and even sharing alikeness – for a video game or a even an activity in class.
2. Help the child to compete – In the sense, master the skills the others have and admire. Be it playing a keyboard or guitar, playing sports or arts.
3. Avoid being negative and impulsive. Listen to the child on what he has to say of his friends rather than stop him and showing your distaste of his friend. He may strong feel of his friend that you don’t, maybe.
4. Help the child to solve conflicts. Social skills are necessary as they can learn to settle themselves at times of disputes with others.
5. Don’t involve in small arguments of children. If they go physical, take your stand. Let the kids work out on their own.
6. Let the kids practice co-operation and understand feelings of others.
7. Help the kids to share, care and be kind and gentle with friends.
8. Know your child’s friends. Invite them for play, birthday celebrations, etc.

This way, a parent can know of how well your child’s friends are and also learn from their positive ways to help your child set example. If your child has a bad friendship, it makes you alert to guide.

As for the teachers, it’s the first few days to be like the acronym, “KISS” – Keep it Simple Stupid! Teachers can adopt innovative ideas at the start of the school and make learning fun. Encourage reading habits on daily basis in the classroom and even at home. Even follow up with a para handwriting practice everyday. This will help weaker children to learn faster. Above all, routinely writing book reviews per week and making journals. Encourage them to write simple jot downs and you can make Kids Blogs with Google sites – a sure fire-way to lift up the spirit of the children.

Teachers can write ‘welcome letters to children’ and invite parents to describe their child by simply letting them jot down on ‘Child Development Review’ – some points to fill as below note:

1. Describe your child
2. What are your child’s strengths
3. What are his hobbies – What he has been doing lately?
4. Does your child have any special problem or disability? Mention.
5. What concerns you have about your child?
6. What other activities does he attend apart from school?
7. Mention what improvement you require in your child.

This will give an insight to know the child, about their learning abilities and methods to adopt while dealing with children. Some kids are fast learners whereas some are branded as slow snail learners. What is required is to identify their weaker areas and diagnose their learning disabilities to apply strategies to combat difficulties.

More, it’s to be friendly with kids. Keep the communication live and keep the perfect ‘Discipline’ in own self as well as the Class.


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