Home Grammar Fun Songs Interjections For Kids

Interjections For Kids



Building language skills is never much fun if taught creatively. It is quite necessary to master the building blocks of the English language right from the start. Grammar fun songs are Sing Along Grammar Songs. The easiest way to teach children Grammar is Fun and Learn. Kids learn to speak and write more effectively by acquiring an understanding of grammar essentials. Help the kids to sing along the Grammar songs featured here or just help them do the worksheets. They just love the activities esp. Word Search. 


Some children love to write in scrap books and some even spend time filling up the grammar worksheets. Anything is fine as far as the child is active and creative. So, get along to Kidsfreesouls Grammar Fun songs and Worksheets.




When Reginald was home with flu, uh huh,

The doctor knew just what to do

He cured the infection

With one small injection

While Reginald uttered some interjections

Hey! That smarts!

Ouch! That hurts!

Yow! That’s not fair,

Giving a guy a shot down there!

Interjections!   Hey!

Show excitement. Ouch! 

Or emotion. Yow!

They’re generally set apart from a sentence

By an exclamation point

or by a comma when the feeling’s not as strong.

Though Geraldine played hard to get, uh huh,

Geraldo knew he’d woo her yet

He showed his affection

Despite her objections

And Geraldine hollered some interjections

Well! You’ve got some nerve!

Oh! I’ve never been so insulted in all my life!

Hey! You’re kinda cute!

Interjections!   Well!

Show excitement. Oh! 

Or emotion.   Hey!

They’re generally set apart from a sentence

By an exclamation point

or by a comma when the feeling’s not as strong.

So when you’re happy  Hooray!

Or sad  Awww!

Or frightened   Eeek!

Or mad  Rats!

Or excited   Wow!

Or glad  Hey!

An interjection starts a sentence right!

The game was tied at seven all, uh huh,

When Franklin found he had the ball

He made a connection

In the other direction

And the crowd starting shouting out interjections

Aw! You threw the wrong way!

Darn! You just lost the game!

Hurray! I’m for the other team!

Interjections!   Aw!

Show excitement. Darn! 

Or emotion.  Hurray!

They’re generally set apart from a sentence

By an exclamation point

or by a comma when the feeling’s not as strong.

So when you’re happy  Hooray!

Or sad  Awww!

or frightened   Eeek!

or mad  Rats!

or excited   Wow!

or glad  Hey!

An interjection starts a sentence right!

Interjections!   Hey!

Show excitement. Hey! 

Or emotion.   Hey!

They’re generally set apart from a sentence

By an exclamation point

or by a comma when the feeling’s not as strong.


Show excitement

or emotion!



Hallelujah yeah!

Darn, that’s the end. 

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