Home World News 9/11 Bombing of World Trade Center

9/11 Bombing of World Trade Center


Kidsfreesouls remembers and honours the victims of 9/11 Bombing of World Trade Center on February 26, 1993. We extend our Condolences to all the families affected and our thoughts go out to all those who are victims of terrorism. 

 The terror threat of 9/11 is never over as it hovers in the minds of people with Terror to reign and it’s deadly claws stretch to kill Humanity. Is the United States more secure today than it was before September 11, 2001 – The questions remains burning. An estimated 2,973 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

And the Iraq War

And here, the terror yet prevails with a threat not only in US but all over the world – with man made and natural calamities. Mumbai Terrorism recently takes a Twist and Turn with Pakistan, India and US in the news – 

New York Times 9-11

Remembering 9/11

I’ll be Home for Christmas by Frank Sinatara

I’ll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents ‘neath the tree
Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I’ll be home for Christmas
And you’ll be in my dreams
I’ll be home this Christmas, darling
I’ll be coming home to you
And there’s nothing in the world
Gonna get in my way
I’ll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents ‘neath the tree
Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I’ll be home for Christmas
And you’ll be in my dreams
I’ll be home for Christmas
Till then you’ll be in my dreams



Help us Understand is one song that I like the most. It’s real sad part of the war when people lose their dear ones.

“Help Us Understand” (Rick Paul)

A little boy in his bedroom, tears streaming from his eyes
Fell to his knees as he cried
He said, “God, I know you can hear me, and you can do all kinds of things
If I can’t have Mommy back, would you give her angel’s wings”
Oh, Heavenly Father, please help us understand
Why so many suffer in this world that’s in your hands
Though we trust you have your reasons
If this is part of your plan
Oh, please, please, help us understand
A young man from the suburbs called his wife from work that day
Said, “tell everybody I’m okay”
Then he paused, and told her he loved her, and she should hug the kids for him
They never saw his face or heard his voice again
Oh, Heavenly Father, please help us understand
Why so many suffer in this world that’s in your hands
Though we trust you have your reasons
If this is part of your plan
Oh, please, please, help us understand
Oh it hurts so much
That it’s hard to go on
One moment here
The next, they’re just gone
Thousands of crying voices were silenced that dark day
All we could do was watch, and pray
So many who tried to help them would sacrifice their lives
As steel and concrete towers crumbled like ice
Oh, Heavenly Father, please help us understand
Why so many suffer in this world that’s in your hands
Though we trust you have your reasons
If this is part of your plan
Oh, please, please, help us understand
Oh, please, please help us understand

Listen to Rick Paul Music

Visit :

9/11 Wiki 

9/11 Memorial

Some newspaper links 

New York Times
CRISIS AT THE TWIN TOWERS: Vignettes; Going Back to Work, or Then Again, Maybe Not (March 2, 1993) 
Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast (October 28, 1993) 
THE TRADE CENTER VERDICT: THE REACTION; ‘Is There Relief in This? Yes. Is It Closed? I Doubt It.’ (November 13, 1997) 
Families of ’93 Bombing Victims Ask, What About Us? (
February 25, 2002) 
Bin Laden Relative Linked to ’93 Trade Center Bombers, Affidavit Says (
May 2, 2002) 
Blame for 1993 Attack at Center Is Still at Issue (
January 10, 2008)

Time Magazine
80 Days That Changed the World (March 23, 2003)

Global Security.org 
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (
April 27, 2005)

On this Day: (
February 26, 2008)


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