Home Health Blog Master your Moods

Master your Moods


A change in lifestyle with the new age generation has led to parenting influence with anxiety and stress. Life has changed from what it used to be earlier with no more joint families in Indian homes. A lot of pressure in upbringing the child with problems likes hyperactive, disciplining them, educating and even teaching life skills.

It has been researched that busy parents and school burden have ended up to effects of stress and anxiety on children. Though kids are better able to manage emotions and get focused, be calm and get better sleep – parents are the reverse. They often are more stressed balancing work and family. At times, getting socializing is skipped except on social networks.

Children are dependent on parents for their every need and as they grow up, it is fondness and security that calls for from parents.

It is here that calls for health concerns as stressed parent get into strained relations – in joint families, with partner, at work place, etc. Emotions are like wild cards in human intelligence. They fit into the routine of every day life and to cope up with day to day living, it often gives more stressful living.

Hence, Master your Moods. The mood cycle keeps changing and its best to ‘Think wise’ and set right the mood with simple thoughtful tips.

  • Get enough sleep – Sleep Less & Live more but be sure to get recharged as sub optimal amounts of sleep can play havoc with out emotions. Mood swings causing trouble to control anger if you are tired and cranky. The brain cells weaken with fatigue and ‘off mood’ stinks bubbling depressive feelings
  • Be Positive – Everything around us is essentially neutral; we impose the value, either positive or negative. Most of the time, a human mind impose negative thoughts, an insight that often ‘snaps’ out. Most of the fears do not turn true and those who fear generally bump into mood swings. The quick fix is simply to smile bad moods away. It becomes easier to conquer the mind and keeps you cool and relax.
  • Keep in touch with Nature – Banish the blues as contact with nature is thought by many experts to contribute to optimal moods. Staying in full traffic is more tiring than taking a stroll in a garden. Set right the mood by enjoying nature – the sun, moon and the stars, the birds and the trees and all beauty around. Even children love to play in the park.
  • Let there be Good food – Mood swings are often fuelled by neurotransmitters in the brain that are turned on and off by the food we eat or we don’t. Drinking tea or coffee with fewer intakes of food swings the mood as poor eating habits makes you cranky. Balanced food diet with limit intake of caffeine and sugar lowers the irritability. Dehydration can cause fatigue and hence, drinking six to eight glasses of water per day is must.
  • Entertain yourself – Listen to good music to keep you in good spirits. Relax those brain cells with soft, melodious, meditative music. Listening to Rock and heavy metal blurs the mind cells. Entertaining the children with their kids songs and rhymes.
  • Be active & keep moving – A brisk walk for ten minutes boosts energy and reduces tension immediately. Engage in an activity that suits your taste especially when mood swings up and it disappears with diverted attention. Being active makes a big difference as laziness only sulks you down. You will also instill a habit in the child.
  • Pinpoint the problem – Before you fret and fume over a problem, discover the problem itself ‘why did this happen’, what is the course of action, and things would not seem bad. A solution will find its way as anxiety disappears making you clearly see the problem and deriving to solutions or just forget – Blast the problem!

Most of the books are written on How to check Emotions in Children but I think, mastering moods of parents will help them better in understanding their parenting role and help in developing Emotional Quotient in themselves as well as the child. Of course, with the addition of SQ (Spiritual Quotient).

Image courtesy: http://www.thewriteprescription.com/servlet/StoreFront

(All Posts by ilaxi patel: This Health & Fitness Blog is based on personal thoughts and research work. Readers may please Consult your Doctor for your Health Problems)


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