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English 4 Today

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english for today

Rules and almost they are over-ruled! Grammar is no exception with Technology integrated into classrooms. Kids use the short cut method with word skips and usage of wrong English. My zero tolerance approach to grammar errors in classroom might seem little unfair. All due to Technology and Social networks! And, quite obvious, Children cannot be blamed for wrong English usage!


At Swagat Children Library, Grammar is the cornerstone of effective reading, which develops a student’s imagination, inductive reasoning, reflection, critical thinking and vocabulary. With Technology and virtual learning, students may process information better with visual media, but it does not allow time for developing the other critical skills, and they are being lost. As Children grow up and join college or the work world, they may be missing the communication skills they learn interacting with the teacher and with other students.

English grammar is the body of rules that describe the structure of expressions in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Be it Indian English, British English, American English or Australian English – the Grammar rules remain the same invariably. Basically, the Parts of Speech that are distinguished in English are : Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Prepositions Conjunctions and to add on is the Determiners, Interjections, Genders, Phrases, clauses, idioms, Figures of Speech, etc.

Grammatical usage “errors” occur whenever any of us violate those principles or rules of grammatical organization. For Children, most of the School Grammar covers constant learning for almost school life and it’s like hammering and stuffing the language in their brains. Yes, Language is constantly changing but that doesn’t make Grammar unimportant. Good Grammar is credibility, especially when speaking or writing. We fomd extensive Grammar usage with errors or slang – On Internet, in blog posts, on facebook status, in emails and while chatting. Words are all that make a difference. They are reflection of your mental attitude and project you in your physical absence. People judge you from your speech and read your mind!

At Kidsfreesouls, we have ‘Grammar Fun’ – the missing parts that are not seriously covered up in classroom. The fun Grammar sessions are conducted with Word Search, Stories with Grammar, and Comprehension with Grammar – all that make Grammar Fun Learning – Off the classroom. All Worksheets are Free for print and more will be added to the list. 

After all, as said by Ellsworth Barnard, “In language, what is used is right – and has to be” and for children, let them grow with Fun and Learn!



Here are the eight Parts of Speech.









As words are divided into different classes according to the work they do in sentences, it is clear that we cannot say to which part of speech a word belongs unless we see it used in a sentence.

Notice how the word after is used in the following sentence:

They arrived soon after (adverb)

They arrived after us (preposition)

They arrived after we had left (conjunction)

The ninth followed by after the eight parts of speech – is Articles. The Adjectives a or an and the are usually called Articles. They are really Demonstrative Adjectives. There are two Articles – a or an and the. A or an is called Indefinite Article, because it leaves indefinite the person or anything spoken of ; as a doctor; that is, any doctor.

The is called the Definite Article, because it points out some particular person or thing; as, He saw the Doctor; meaning some particular doctor.

We have the vowels a,e,i,o,u – before a vowel comes the ‘an’ and before consonants, a is used. However, not always. The choice between a and an is determined by sound. Before a word, beginning with a vowel sound an is used; as, an ass, an organe, an umbrella, an hour, an honest man, an heir.

It will be noted that the words hour, honest, heir, begin with vowel sound, as the initial consonant h is not pronounced.

Before a word beginning with a consonant sound, a is used; as a boy, a woman, a horse, also a university.

This is because, the word university begin with a consonant sound, that of yu.

Similiarly, we say a one rupee note, such a one, a one eyed man – because one begins with the consonant sound of w.

Before words beginning with h and not accented on the first syllable, an is often used; as, an historical novel

For more on the rules of the usage of grammar – stay connected.

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